Chiasma Launch 2023

Chiasma Manawatū is a student-led organisation that fosters connections between science and business. Join them at Te Manawa for their 2023 launch event, with free food, free drinks and a...

Te Manawa Science Night

Make your midwinter come alive with a night of science at Te Manawa! Dr Rafea Naffa and his Fonterra science team will turn their trademark high-energy talents to teaching you...

Science Live!

Koha | Booked | All Ages Join Dr Rafea Naffa for a special live science show, where he will bring his trademark high-energy presentation to match the high-energy chemical reactions....

Science Live!

Koha | Booked | All Ages Join Dr Rafea Naffa for a special live science show, where he will bring his trademark high-energy presentation to match the high-energy chemical reactions....