Loan Kits

We’ve developed several object-based learning loan kits for use at school. Our popular loan kits can be hired on a weekly basis and support your in-class delivery through physical resources and suggested activities.



This kit contains a number of hands-on activities to support your class in learning about the smallest creatures of our natural environment.


Centred around a collection of real-life handling fossils, this kit is jam-packed with hands-on objects and activities. It aims to support understanding about how science has pieced together a picture of the history of our planet. We use fossils to look at the global picture and have locally sourced examples to inspire some home-grown geology enquiry.

Human Evolution

Your learners can explore evolution concepts using replica skulls and other supporting material. Skulls include Paranthropus boisei, Australopithecus, Homo sapiens sapiens (Cro-Magnon), Homo sapiens sapiens (modern human), and Pan Troglodytes (chimpanzee).  Suitable for Years 5-8.

New Zealand Manu/Birds

Discover more about our manu/native birds. This kit includes taxidermy birds, birdcall recordings, feathers, eggs, songs, stories and more. Suitable for all year levels.

K Nex

K’Nex sets are loved by all ages and year levels. This kit equips you to run challenges and activities designed to enhance problem solving, mathematical understanding and teamwork skills.

New Zealand Fish

Discover the fish of New Zealand and the wider world. Submerge yourself in an underwater world and learn lots of fishy facts through fun learning activities. From eels to sharks, seahorses to skeletons this kit includes stories, games, photos and more!


Book a Loan Kit

To book or enquire about a loan kit, click on the link below or contact us directly on:

Phone: 06 355 5000 or 0800-4-A-MUSEUM

illustration of a man doing administration on a clipboard on a plain background

Terms & Conditions

  • Bookings are from Monday to Friday and Loan Kits can be collected/returned on the Friday or the weekend before the loan period.
  • All Loan kits are charged at a weekly rate:
    • Human Evolution Skulls $69.00 incl GST per week
    • All other kits $40.25 incl GST per week
  • The outward cost for courier from Te Manawa will be added to the invoice. Schools are required to organise return couriers.
  • Any late returns will be charged a minimum of an additional one week’s rental.
  • Please return the kits promptly as another school may be waiting for them.
  • It is expected that during loan periods the kits will receive a bit of wear and tear, please note that additional costs for unreasonable damages or loss will be on-charged.