
On Now


10 AUG - 17 NOVFeminine/Abstract

Joyful and bright, tender and insightful, this exhibition explores abstract painting through the eyes, minds and hands of women. By folding their lived experiences through their work, these artists connect with a diverse range of people.
Etched artwork of a wounded soldier's profile on a dark blue background
This exhibition by master printmaker, Anthony Davies interprets events from the Ukraine War from his own viewpoint. Etched into this collection of monochromatic prints is a sobering question to the viewer: War - What is it good for?
Blending two distinctive styles, Euan Macleod and Gregory O’Brien’s collaborative paintings reflect the appreciation both artists have for the outdoors, their shared curiosity about human history, and concerns about present-day life.

Talks & Tours

Cropped photo of an abstract artwork by artist Miranda Parkes
Join exhibition curator Sian van Dyk and artists Kura Te Waru Rewiri; Peata Larkin; Claudia Jowitt and Miranda Parkers, in an insightful wander through Feminine/Abstract.

31 AUG | 11AM | FREEArtist Talk: Local Knowledge

A special opportunity to hear from Sydney based Euan Macleod, and Wellington based Gregory O’Brien on their collaborative exhibition, Local Knowledge.