Past Exhibitions | Whakaaturanga i muri


Several panels of paintings

12 March - 3 AprilExcellence

The art folios from secondary school students around the region that attained an Excellence mark in Level 3 NCEA.

16 March - 21 JuneKermadec - Lines in the Ocean

Featured the work of nine artists who had been invited to travel to the Kermadec Islands by the PEW Environmental Trust. The artists explored the biology of the Kermadecs, the anatomy of life surrounded by volcanoes and the ocean, and the litter that was cast on the beach by the sea. This exhibition was developed by the PEW Environment Trust in collaboration with the artists. It was toured by Exhibition Services.

26 March - 28 JuneRangitāhua - Volcanoes in the Sea

This exhibition showed some of the science of the Kermadec Islands including photographs of volcanic eruptions on Raoul island and footage from deep in the Kermadec Trench sourced from NIWA. Developed with assistance from Science Centre Inc and NIWA.
A slim dinosaur roars at the camera

4 April - 21 JuneDinosaur Footprints

The exhibition examined the discovery of the first dinosaur footprints found in New Zealand, preserved in rocks in the Nelson. It looked at the processes palaeontologists used to document their discovery, included material about local fossils, and featured dinosaur models from our education and props collections. The exhibition was developed and toured by GNS Science.

16 August 2014 - 19 JulyPasifika: Treasures in the Manawatū

The exhibition was co-created with the Pasifika community of Palmerston North. They loaned their measina (treasures) and these were displayed alongside taonga from the Te Manawa collections. The title was specifically worded to imply that the measina and taonga are treasures, but the people, the community, are the greatest treasure of all.
Two people dance in front of a light splitter, casting multi-coloured shadows on the wall

18 April - 6 SeptemberSunlight - Ihi Kōmaru

A Te Manawa-developed interactive exhibition that explores the Sun and its impact on life and culture, and the various properties of light.
The words "Farewell Zealandia" with a graphic of an Anzac soldier

25 April - 28 AugustFarewell Zealandia – Forgotten Kiwi Songs of WWI

The forgotten Kiwi songs of World War One tell the story of what it meant to be a New Zealander living through the turmoil and tragedy at the time. Commemorating campaigns and battles as well as life on the home front, Farewell Zealandia is a musical record of people’s hopes and fears, sense of duty, loss and remembrance. Developed in collaboration with Musical Heritage New Zealand, and supported by Radio New Zealand and the Lotteries Commission

23 June - 16 AugustKia Ora Rugby League

Celebrating 40 years of the Kia Ora Rugby League Club, this exhibition displayed the achievements of a sporting organisation that provided more than an outlet for the physicality of many Māori and Polynesian youth; the club has become a spiritual home where they can work out the problems of adolescence in a supportive environment.–-A-Micronaut-in-the-Wide-World.png

6 July - 26 SeptemberGraeme Percy – A Micronaut in the Wide World

The life and work of illustrator Graeme Percy, an artist who left New Zealand in the 1960s to study at the Royal Academy in London; he never returned but his whimsical drawings frequently referenced the land of his birth.

11 July - 8 NovemberPioneer Highway

Paintings by Tim Croucher that reflected on a youth misspent in the environs of Palmerston North. The images evoked recollections of burnouts in Manchester Square, Feilding, picnics by the old Opiki bridge, eeling in the lagoons and tooling around the region in beat-up cars.
A young woman in red stares at the camera

8 August - 1 NovemberNational Geographic – 50 Greatest Photos

Photographs selected from the many thousands of images that have graced the pages of National Geographic magazine. More than ten thousand people visited this exhibition. Many visitors were moved and took the time to record their poetic responses to the images. Brought to New Zealand in partnership with Expressions Whirinaki Arts and Entertainment Centre.
Silhouettes of NZ soldiers on a battlefield. Behind them are rugby goalposts

22 August - 27 OctoberBalls, Bullets and Boots

An exhibition that examined the intersection of rugby and World War I through the lives of New Zealand rugby players who served in the armed forces; developed and toured by the New Zealand Rugby Museum.

29 August - 11 OctoberWhen We Were Young

An exhibition of the work of the Manawatū, Horowhenua and Taranaki Embroiderers' Guilds. This display elicited much admiration for the fine work and exquisitely detailed stitching of these clubs’ members.
A red-haired woman dressed as Batman villain Poison Ivy

8 October - 8 NovemberBurlesque – Costumes by Flo Foxworthy

Developed to coincide with the annual New Zealand Burlesque Festival held at the Globe Theatre, this exhibition displayed the creative work of Flo Foxworthy, a local artist whose burlesque costumes have been worn by internationally famed proponents of the art including Dita von Teese. One costume had to be removed from the exhibition early to be sent to the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles for its eventual wearer, Mrs Hugh Hefner.
A gold discoball hangs on the verandah of a Kiwi bach

10 October - 10 January 2016Taipō

Three artists contributed to this exhibition – Terri Te Tau, Bridget Reweti and Rongomaia Te Whaiti. Taipō translates as “goblin” and the word was used to refer to a surveyor’s tripod. The exhibition spoke of the ways that the land was surveyed and broken, and the ways that surveillance has been used by governments to disadvantage the people of New Zealand, particularly tangata whenua.
A grey icosahedron

13 November - 21 February 2016A Visual Thing

The annual exhibition of the work of the UCOL Bachelor of Applied Visual Imaging graduands; it is a treat for our visitors to see the fine work that these students produce each year.
A closeup of a red motorcycle, showing the model name "Indian" in gold script

21 November - 6 March 2016Dust Devils

Celebrating 70 years of Speedway in Palmerston North. The exhibition encompassed two gallery spaces. Visitors could try on items of speedway drivers’ clothing, relax in the 1960s lounge and watch a documentary on Speedway or view historic speedway bikes and midget cars.
A Māori woman dressed in white performs in the Art Gallery

27 November - 2 March 2016Matatau

An annual exhibition of work by graduands of the Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts programme at Massey University; this married well with the Toioho XX suite of exhibitions.
A dark background with woven flax and text: Toi Whenua

3 December - 29 May 2016Toi Whenua

This exhibition celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Bachelor of Māori Visual Art programme at Massey University, showing work by artists who related to the land in their practice.

5 December - 29 May 2016Toioho XX

This exhibition celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts programme at Massey University, with works by twenty graduates of the programme. Featured artists included Dr Huhana Smith, Ngāhina Hohaia, Saffron Te Ratana and Ngātai Taepa.