Dino Day: Day 1 Summer Holiday Programme

Te Manawa Museum 326 Main St, Palmerston North, Manawatū, New Zealand

Round up the kids for a DAY 1 of It's All About The Earth, a 4 day school holiday programme full of activities about Earth's prehistoric periods. Today's activities are all about DINOSAURS! Kids will dig for dinos in our dino dig and have fun with dino rubbings and puzzles.

Gold Coin Donation

Action for Earth: Day 2 School Holiday Programme

Te Manawa Museum 326 Main St, Palmerston North, Manawatū, New Zealand

Pop down to Te Manawa for day two of It's All About The Earth, a 4 day school holiday programme full of activities about Earth's prehistoric periods. Today's activity is all about taking action for the Earth. Kids will get play the Climate Change Game & Plant a Seed and take action for Papatūānuku.

Gold Coin Donation

Investigate The Prehistoric: Day 3 School Holiday Programme

Te Manawa Museum 326 Main St, Palmerston North, Manawatū, New Zealand

Join us for DAY 3 of It's All About The Earth, a 4-day school holiday programme full of activities about Earth's prehistoric periods. Today's activities are all about Earth's prehistoric periods. Kids will get to dig for dinosaur fossils in our dino dig sandpits and recreate Earth's timeline using fun, prehistoric themed stamps.

Gold Coin Donation

Rita Angus Curator Floor Talk

Te Manawa Museum 326 Main St, Palmerston North, Manawatū, New Zealand

Join Lizzie Bisley, Te Papa’s curator of modern art, for a tour through Rita Angus: New Zealand Modernist. In her floor talk Lizzie will introduce the work and biography of this important New Zealand artist.

Fascinating Fossils: Day 4 School Holiday Programme

Te Manawa Museum 326 Main St, Palmerston North, Manawatū, New Zealand

Join us for DAY 4 of It's All About The Earth, a 4-day school holiday programme full of activities about Earth's prehistoric periods. Today's activities are all about fossils. Through a series of fun, interactive activities kids will take a close look at fossils and learn more about them.

Gold Coin Donation